SBL Pyrogenium
Dispatch time:Feb 21 - Feb 25
Delivery time is 5 to 6 days from the date of dispatch
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SBL Pyrogenium
Description of SBL Pyrogenium :-
Causes & Symptoms for Pyrogenium Pyrogenium has marked action on all types of septic fevers with restlessness. It is well indicated in typhoid, puerperal fever, ptomaine poisoning or sewer gas infection. Fever caused by any septic condition. Sudden rise of temperature. Skin is dry, burning, pale or cold. Bed feels very hard. The patient is very restless. He must constantly move to get relief from soreness of parts. Chills begins in the back, between the scapulae. Periodically the tongue is clean and smooth, as if varnished and fiery red, large and flabby, dry and cracked. Articulation of tongue is difficult. Pus like taste in the mouth as from abscess. Pyrogenium is well indicated in sepsis condition. All the discharges are very offensive, such as diarrhoea, vomitus, breath, urine, menstrual blood etc. Pyrogenium also acts as homeopathic antiseptic. Pyrogenium is also very useful in ulcers of old persons. Ulcers are very offensive and obstinate. Skin is pale, cold and of ashy hue. Head Pyrogenium is indicated in Painless throbbing, Fan-like motion of alae nasi. It relieves Bursting headache with restlessness. Mouth Tongue red and dry, clean, cracked, smooth, as though varnished. Throat dry, articulation difficult. It is useful in Nausea and vomiting, Taste is terribly fetid. Stomach Pyrogenium is indicated for Coffee-grounds vomiting. Vomits water, when it becomes warm in stomach. Abdomen Pyrogenium is helpful in Intolerable tenesmus of both bladder and rectum. Bloated, sore, cutting pain is relieved by it. Stool Pyrogenium is useful in Diarrh