SBL Iris Tenax
Dispatch time:Sep 11 - Sep 15
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SBL Iris Tenax
Description of SBL Iris Tenax :-
Iris Tenax Iris tenax is a lesser known drug which has been used in Homoeopathy for clinical conditions like appendicitis, fever, headache, home sickness, intermittents, mania, perityphilitis, stomatitis, sleeplessness and vomiting as mentioned in homoeopathic literature and most of these symptoms have been verified during the study. Besides these other clinical conditions in which it has been found useful are vertigo, bitter taste in mouth, aching and spasmodic pain in abdomen and distension of abdomen with flatulence. Head: Headache. Dull aching pain in temples. Eye: Itching in both eyes with headache. Mouth: Stomatitis (mouth ulcers) with dry mouth and burning hot sensation, better by sucking cold air Dryness of mouth. Burning in mouth and throat better by sucking cold air. Stomach: Nausea & vomiting of bile; worse on movement, worse after eating. Abdomen: Pain in abdomen; spasmodic with vomiting and heaviness. Burning sensation in abdomen with stitching pain Cutting pain in abdomen worse after eating. Pain in right iliac region with excessive thirst Appendicitis Rectum: Constipation; stool dry, hard with pain in abdomen. Fever: Fever with chill and scanty perspiration. Sleep: Sleeplessness.