SBL Iberis Amara - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Feb 21 - Feb 25
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SBL Iberis Amara - 30 ML
Description of SBL Iberis Amara :-
Causes & Symptoms for Iberis Amara Excessive nervousness and frightened condition associated with heart affections. Cold hands and feet. Choking sensation in the throat. Sharp stinging pains from before backward, Fullness in chest, with fullness and heat in head and neck, Mind and Head Fearful and trembling, Nervous and irritable on rising in morning indicates Iberis Amara. Very irritable, with dullness of mind and lack of memory. Frontal headache rising in morning Heat and fullness in neck and head, with flushed face and cold feet and hands. Eyes, Ear Red eyes with flushed face. Dull hearing and labored breathing. Mouth and Throat Constant hawking of thick, stringy mucus until after a meal, cough causes redness of face, throat and trachea fills up with mucus. Constrictive sensation in throat, with stabbing pains in heart indicates Iberis Amara. Stomach and abdomen Liver region full and painful. Fullness and distension of bowels is relieved with Iberis Amara. Slight nausea and palpitation of heart is relieved with Iberis Amara. Stool and Anus White stools is an indication for Iberis Amara. Urinary complaints Excessive evacuation of urine. Dyspnea and palpitation on going upstairs. Extremities Tingling and numbness in fingertips,gradually extending up left arm with irregular, tremulous pulse, not well defined. Trembling of lower limbs after exercise is an indication of Iberis Amara. Generalities The symptoms are worse at night, and in the morning on rising, worse from tobacco Trembling weakness and nervousness cause desire to lie down is an indication of Iberis Amara. Violent palpitation induced by slightest exertion, or by laughing, or coughing. Pulse first weak and small, later full and strong, easily compressed, intermitting every third beat. Sharp, sticking pain in heart, with constriction in throat, red eyes, flushed face.