SBL Curare - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Feb 18 - Feb 22
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SBL Curare - 30 ML
Description of SBL Curare :-
Causes & Symptoms for Curare Always desires to put her feet out of bed. Piercing, lancinating pains of all parts of the body. Eruptions on skin, eczema, especially of face and behind ears, also liver-spots, yellow-brown. Muscular restlessness, spasms, its action being on the nerve endings in the muscles, without affecting either the muscle substance or the nerve substance Great weakness and prostration, burning in hips, and crampy pains on least movement. Mind and Head Inability to think or study, forgetful, stupid, sleepy, indolent. Nervous headache, lancinating, piercing pains all over head compelling to lie down and stretch, head drawn backward. Head beats like a hammer, with vomiting of bile indicates Curare. Eyes, ear, nose Heavy eyes, lids can hardly be kept open. Sharp, stitching pains over right eye Lancinating pains starting from ears and reaching down legs, compelling to lie down. Nasal catarrh, Tubercles on nose indicates Curare. Mouth and Throat Mouth dry. Tongue and mouth drawn to right indicates Curare. Burning heat in throat with sensation of distension. Stomach and abdomen Nausea in morning, after eating. Shooting in stomach. Better after first mouthful of food indicates Curare. Neuralgic pain in hypogastrium with pressure in vagina. Stool and Anus Bowels feel sore and bruised. Excessive pain in piles with extreme watery diarrhea. Urinary complaints Clear and frequent urine, with digging, crampy pain in kidneys,bladder feels distended. Female complaints During menses colic, headache, pains in kidneys, malaise indicates Curare. Bearing-down, dragging, tired, in all pelvic organs, severe in lumbo-sacral spine, running down thighs. Ulcerations, corroding discharge, bearing down pains in womb. Extremities Sciatica with great stiffness indicates Curare. Extremities with burning heat and chills, great weakness, especially of wrists and hands. Legs tremble and give way in walking. Aching in all the limbs and body. On least movement crampy pains in hips. Weakness, heaviness, numbness, numbness with tingling. Weakness of hands and fingers in pianists. Sweat with every exertion. Skin Itching with hunger and Eczematous complaints. It favous the formation of corns indicates Curare. Generalities Curare decreases the output of adrenaline. Cannot sleep late enough to obtain a good nights rest.