SBL Cocainum Muriaticum - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Feb 12 - Feb 16
Delivery time is 5 to 6 days from the date of dispatch
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SBL Cocainum Muriaticum - 30 ML
Description of SBL Cocainum Muriaticum :-
Causes & Symptoms for Cocainum Muriaticum It is a well indicated remedy in complaints of nerves and sensation as if worms under the skin. Suitable in talkative people with complaints of sleeplessness. Difficult speech from weakness of muscles of swallowing. Violent convulsions with staring eyes. Mind and Head Throbbing and bursting pains felt in the head is relieved with Cocainum Muriaticum Mouth and Throat Burning, tickling, constricted sensation in the throat. Skin Sensation of foreign bodies or grains of sand were beneath the skin. Generalities Numbness in hands and forearms. Restless, cannot sleep for hours after retiring.