SBL Viola Odorata - 30 ML
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SBL Viola Odorata - 30 ML
Description of SBL Viola Odorata :-
Causes & Symptoms for Viola odorata Bruised pain in all the bones in the morning, in bed after waking, better after rising. Aversion to music, especially the violin, is one of the peculiar symptoms. Worm affections of children is relieved with help of this remedy. Difficult breathing, anxiety and palpitation is an indication for this remedy. Mind and Head Great weakness of memory and forgetfulness, childish behavior, disobedience, refusing nourishment Tension of the scalp of occiput even when not moving, worse bending head forward and backward, painful, compelling him to wrinkle forehead The head feels heavy and skins forward, sensation of weakness in muscles of nape. Vertigo; everything in head seems to whirl around Eyes, ear, nose Vision very defective, especially on dull, wet days, burning of the eyes Ear affections with pain about the orbits indicate Viola Odorata. Numbness of tip of nose as from a blow, Mouth and Throat Dyspnoea with violent cough, worse in daytime is an indication for Viola odorata. Neck and Back Tension in muscles of the neck. Extremities Drawing pain in elbow-joint and back of hand, swelling of lower limbs with stitching pains. Trembling of hand and feet is relieved with Viola odorata. Skin Burning here and there in small spots. Generalities Relaxation of all the muscles. Bone pains better after rising in morning. Burning and flushes of heat in different parts. Yawning every morning, with lachrymation. Congestion of blood to single parts.