SBL Ptelea Trifolia - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Feb 12 - Feb 16
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SBL Ptelea Trifolia - 30 ML
Description of SBL Ptelea Trifolia :-
Causes & Symptoms for Ptelea Trifolia It is a remedy for stomach and liver complaints. Swelling of the feet and legs, Uneasiness and difficulty of breathing Feeling of pressure on lungs and of suffocation. Oppressed breathing, hepatic complaints with itching complaints. Constant yawning, gone feeling all over. Burning cheeks and hot flushes Mind and Head Liveliness alternates with sadness. Sudden shrinking from mental work, with sickness and faintness Frontal headache with complaints of pressing outwards, worse on motion, rubbing eyes. Pressive feeling at base of brain Eyes, nose Intolerance of loud talking, roaring and singing in ears. Stopped nose, irritating nostrils. Mouth and Throat Nervous twitching of upper lip is an indication for this remedy. Heat, dryness, and distressing feeling of emptiness in oesophagus. Stomach and abdomen Heaviness in the region of the liver with a dragging sensation. Pains aggravated by lying on the left side. Aching and sticking in diaphragm. Constant sensation of corrosion, heat and burning in stomach. Liver sore, swollen, sensitive to pressure.Flushes of heat in abdomen. Urinary complaints Tickling, smarting, burning, and sensitiveness of urethra. Neck and Back Lameness of small of back. Pain in neck; feels swollen is relieved with Ptelea Trifolia. Prickling numbness of hands, feet cold, enlarged, clumsy, stiff.