SBL Gentiana Cruciata - 30 ML
Dispatch time:Feb 18 - Feb 22
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SBL Gentiana Cruciata - 30 ML
Description of SBL Gentiana Cruciata :-
Causes & Symptoms for Gentiana cruciata Striking symptoms in the throat and digestive tract is relieved with Gentiana cruciata. A peculiar sense of apprehensiveness; faintness; uneasiness is marked in this medicine. Frequent attacks of hoarseness and sensitiveness of the throat. Creeping over the body as from fleas in the evening. Mind and Head Weeping mood, Confusion and whirling, vertigo with headache indicates Gentiana cruciata. Sensitiveness of whole head and whole brain after dinner, pressure and stitches in the temples Swelling of the temporal veins and feeling of pressure in the temporal region is relieved with Gentiana cruciata. Eyes, ear, nose Piercing inward sensation in eyes. Rawness and scraping, causing frequent hawking, with an anxious constrictive sensation indicates Gentiana cruciata. Mouth and Throat Constriction sensation in the throat, constriction of the throat, difficulty deglutition, swallowing. Stomach and abdomen Great nausea, with inclination to lie down. Burning, fullness, pressure in stomach. Sensation of pressing inward in pit of stomach. Dragging in right inguinal region with feeling of protrusion, better sitting or lying. Inguinal Hernia. Distention, fullness and tightness in abdomen, is relieved with Gentiana cruciata. Stool and Anus Violent urging, followed by watery evacuations. Female complaints Premature menses, with sensation of distention and contraction into abdomen indicates Gentiana cruciata. Neck and Back Tension in lumbar region, drawing in cervical muscles, extending to ears with an uneasiness. Cramp-like pains in soles of feet.